Category Archives: Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

The defines virtual reality in three different ways: “…‘Virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’.  This could…,mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.”; “virtual reality entails presenting our senses with a computer generated virtual environment that we can explore in some fashion.”; and “Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person.”

All of these definitions are true and explain what virtual reality means.  The way I simplify these definitions of ‘virtual reality’ is a reality that when experienced, feels so real and close, it is as if we are acting it out, or in that reality as well.  Think about your experience watching a movie, except with virtual reality – you’re in that movie.

Virtual reality has the ability to alter your sight, perception, hearing, sense of fear, sense of enjoyment, and ultimately sense of what feels real.  How is this whole virtual reality idea even possible?  Well, there are many different factors that contribute to the entire virtual reality experience.

A lot of the virtual reality experience is made possible with different graphics, devices, videos, multimedia, and 360 degree camera angles.


Samsung Gear 360 Camera

360 º cameras, like the Samsung Gear 360, have the ability to capture the entire picture and world around you.  The camera films every single angle so you dont miss a thing.

Samsung Gear VR
Samsung Gear VR

Another essential to fully experience virtual reality is the virtual reality goggles.  These virutal goggles are used to view and enter the virtual reality.  By turning your head up, down, left, or right, your image changes constantly as if you were physically in that world and walking around.  Virtual goggles enhance the feeling of reality and your senses by placing you in the middle of the scene.

You can utilize virtual reality goggles to engage with different realities in all different ways.  For instance, a journalist might use a 360º camera to film his report or and findings.  You can now experience this report as if you are actually there and along side the reporter, gathering all the information yourself.

Another way one might experience virtual reality is for more interactive and participatory reasons like training.  Members of the military and soldiers sometimes use virtual reality goggles to train themselves for different scenarios in the field.

With virtual reality headsets and intense graphics, soldiers are able to intimately experience situations that mimic real life scenarios.  They are able to practice their aim, skill, defense, tactics, and instincts just by putting on virtual goggles.

Virtual reality is becoming more modern and popular today.  Journalists, the military, and camera lovers all over the world are using 360º cameras and lens to capture a different kind of world and story.  Virtual reality heightens our senses and image as we are taken out of our own reality, and into a realistic, virtually constructed, world.  As virtual reality grows increasingly popular, you have to wonder…where will all of this go and lead to?  What does our future look like with virtual reality?
